
Our Programs

Duration: Hours Online Course
  • New Norm Customer Service

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDCustomer Service professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed in Customer Service profession
    2. Understand the latest trend in Customer Service methods
    3.Break-away from Customer Service difficulties
    4. Formulate Customer Service strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Customer Service success habits
    6. Refresh key Customer Service skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Creating Passion for Invention

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDPassion for Invention professionals across a wide range of industries.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed
    2. Understand the latest trend in Invention
    3. Break-away from Invention difficulties
    4. Formulate Invention strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Invention success habits
    6. Refresh key Invention skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Mobile Learning Platform

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDMobile Learning professionals across a wide range of industries.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed in Mobile Learning Platform
    2. Understand the latest trend in Mobile Learning methods
    3. Break-away from Mobile Learning difficulties
    4. Formulate Mobile Learning Platform strategies that will work
    5. Develop powerful Mobile Learning Platform success habits
    6. Refresh key Mobile Learning Platform skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Management Skills (People vs Job)

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDManagement professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed
    2. Understand the latest trend in Management
    3. Break-away from Management difficulties
    4. Formulate Invention strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Management success habits
    6. Refresh key Management skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Hiring Techniques (Identify Best Fit Team)

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDHR professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed in Hiring Techniques
    2. Understand the latest trend in Hiring methods
    3. Break-away from Hiring difficulties
    4. Formulate Hiring strategies that will work
    5. Develop powerful Hiring success habits
    6. Refresh key Hiring skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Up-Skilling – Re-Skilling Programs

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDManagement professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed
    2. Understand the latest trend in Management
    3. Break-away from Management difficulties
    4. Formulate Invention strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Management success habits
    6. Refresh key Management skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Technology & Innovation

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDHR professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed
    2. Understand the latest trend in Invention
    3. Break-away from Invention difficulties
    4. Formulate Invention strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Invention success habits
    6. Refresh key Invention skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Diversity @ Workplace

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDManagement professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed
    2. Understand the latest trend in Management
    3. Break-away from Management difficulties
    4. Formulate Invention strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Management success habits
    6. Refresh key Management skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Mentoring & Coaching during New Norm

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDManagement professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed Mentoring & Coaching
    2. Understand the latest trend in Mentoring & Coaching
    3. Break-away from Mentoring & Coaching difficulties
    4. Formulate Mentoring & Coaching strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Mentoring & Coaching success habits
    6. Refresh key Mentoring & Coaching skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Creating High Performance Culture

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDManagement professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed
    2. Understand the latest trend in Management
    3. Break-away from Management difficulties
    4. Formulate Invention strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Management success habits
    6. Refresh key Management skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • “Stand Out”

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDManagement professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed Mentoring & Coaching
    2. Understand the latest trend in Mentoring & Coaching
    3. Break-away from Mentoring & Coaching difficulties
    4. Formulate Mentoring & Coaching strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Mentoring & Coaching success habits
    6. Refresh key Mentoring & Coaching skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Functional Skills

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDManagement professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed
    2. Understand the latest trend in Management
    3. Break-away from Management difficulties
    4. Formulate Invention strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Management success habits
    6. Refresh key Management skills
Duration: Hours Online Course
  • Power of Working Collaboratively

  • WHO SHOULD ATTENDManagement professionals across a wide range of industries such as retail, insurance, real estate, F&B, and more.
    LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
    1. Discover core motivation to succeed Mentoring & Coaching
    2. Understand the latest trend in Mentoring & Coaching
    3. Break-away from Mentoring & Coaching difficulties
    4. Formulate Mentoring & Coaching strategies that will work for you
    5. Develop powerful Mentoring & Coaching success habits
    6. Refresh key Mentoring & Coaching skills