About Price Action Guru

Partiban Ilongovan

Price Action Guru

Partiban, the founder of live trading consultancy and UBIS Academy, has 10 years of experience trading on forex market and has coached over 2000 course participants in the past 4 years. As a successful trader who has consistently sustained himself with profits in the market, he also manages private client’s funds in Noaprime.

A marine biologist by academic qualifications, he has never had any other day-job and embarked in a journey of entrepreneurism right after graduating. Being a full-time trader, he has explored and mastered many trading techniques with the guidance of some of the world’s leading forex experts and finally settled with price action, which he believes, provides better financial stability, greater freedom and balanced lifestyle. His passions for coaching unfolded itself when he recouped himself from his ‘painful’ trading experience- his best teachers. He has been able to utilize his recuperation experience to help people to recover their floating losses since he is well-versed in hedging strategies.

Favourite quote
think big and don’t listen to people who tells you it can’t be done. No one became successful by thinking small

Apart of servicing few of corporate clients as a fund manager, Partiban now pursuing Phd Philosophy in Trading Physocology. He is an official advisor for established broker company like GMP-FX in giving his insights on market analysis. Partiban has just expanded his course by attending crypto-trading events organised by

Through experience, he has developed and refined his own trading strategy and methodology, which he is more than willing to share among real traders who are ready to work for them.

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